Sunday, September 11, 2011

Boog and Bean.

Hey Ladies,

Ya'll are awesome. I feel so blessed to have you as my family, and I know not everyone can say that about in-laws. You have treated me like family since day one, when you both had mullets. :) I will always have fond memories of sitting in the carport smoking and smoking and smoking...and although none of us are smokers anymore, and that is FANTASTIC, I miss it. I miss smoke in the air and on clothes and fans blowing and music playing and talking and laughing and drinking out of enormous Racetrac travel mugs. I just love spending time with the two of you, and hate that it is so few and far between.
I know we have had some rough patches, with your son being a lunatic and all, (I KID, I KID)...but I am so blessed to have both given and received forgiveness on all occasions. I feel honored that you would talk to me about life, and love and pain. That you would share your life with me and respect my opinions and ideas, and that I am able to do the same. It means a lot that there is a level of trust between us, because I just don't think such a thing is too common in family be it direct or through marriage.
I have also never met two people more in love than the two of you, and I can only hope that my relationship with your son will mimic that for a lifetime. The two of you are an absolute testament to what it means to love someone unconditionally. To love so much and so hard that you carpool to work because it is an opportunity to spend time together. It seems cheesy at first, but really that is what love is. Love doesn't want to live without, even on the ride to work, and I adore that you all love that way.
You are also amazing MiMi's and YaYa's. I have watched the two of you come along way in the having small children around department, and I am SO proud of you both for letting your guard down. I know with all my heart that no matter where we are locationally, your love for Siah and P is astronomical. I know you both wish on wishes that we could all be closer and believe me when I say, me too.
Thanks for being amazing at life. Amazing moms, grandmoms, mother-in-laws and friends. I love you both very much.

Your other daughter,

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