Sunday, September 18, 2011

Puppy Love.

Dear Lennon-

The first thing I did this afternoon when I walked through my door was give you a kiss. You may be slobbery, but I love giving you a good smooch. I know that you will never read this, because you are a dog, but I love you. You are the most consistent, affectionate, innocent person in my life and I don't know where the Beeman house would be without you.

I feel so blessed to have you in my life because there was a time when I thought that we would never find the right dog. We were looking for a puppy, from a rescue, with pit bull blood, and we are military. A lot of rescues wouldn't give us a chance and we got a lot of rejection letters. Then I found you. You were called "Squirm" then and you were a fat little thing with lots of extra skin.

The nice young lady that you lived with checked us out and decided to give us a chance and she brought you to meet us. It was love at first sight. I will never forget your floppy years, big feet, and the innocent way you looked up at me that first day you came to our home. You settled right into a routine of peeing on our floor and snuggling with me at night.

I started out on the right foot with you because I broke every rule in the dog owning book and let you sleep with me. You are a great snuggler. In fact, you snuggled with me every night until Puff was born and I kind of miss you. Sadly, you are now ninety pounds and there's no room for you in our bed. However, I will never forget those first snuggles. We had a good, year-long run right?

You are so stubborn. You won't pee on a leash (thank God we have a fenced yard now), you like to poop on the same spot, you pretty much refuse to get out from under my feet if I am carrying a crying child, you stalk my kids and park yourself as close to them as you can, and you are the most vocal creature I have ever met. But you are also the most trustworthy being in this home. Your intentions are one hundred percent pure. All that you want is to make sure your kids are okay, your mommmy is doing what she should be, and your daddy is throwing the ball. You lovingly chew on your cats and you diligently make sure that when the baby is crying I attend to it promptly. You even seem to enjoy it when you are treated like a horse, jousting partner, or baby rather than the formidable ninety pound dog that you are.

You had us from hello, Lennon. I cannot imagine coming home and not being greeted by your booming bark. I don't even want to picture my room without your bed in the corner and my living room would be barren without your crate. I think Huxley would lose his sense of equilibrium if he were not constantly covered in your slobber. I won't even let my mind wander to what Archer would do if he didn't have you. He loves you more than anything in the whole world. I knew that I wanted a dog, God knew that I needed you. Never has there been a dog more perfect for a family. You're a Beeman through and through.


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