Thursday, September 1, 2011


Hey You-

You are a jerk. You are a total waste of space, in my book. I tried and tried to think of a different ex to write to, but this letter kept composing itself in my head. You should know that I think you're vile. There's no coming back from some of the hurt and pain you've inflicted on me and I doubt I will ever forgive you. I just can't. I want to be the person that can, but I'm not.

I really hope that someday you realize what a tool you are. You seem to think you're smart, but you're not. What you are is arrogant and entitled. You seem to think that you're cool but you're not. You're loud, obnoxious, and forgettable. You seem to think that you have something to offer the world, but time has told me that you absolutely don't. The only things you bring to a room are negative, which is why I see you as a waste of space.

Did you know I have nightmares about you? In my dreams, I wake up and roll over to find you in bed with me. You are my husband in my nightmares. It terrifies me. I literally wake up in a cold sweat and have to check to make sure that David is not you. You're that awful to me.

There are no words to describe the way that the thought of being stuck with you for a life time makes me feel. My stomach turns and I have to fight back the possibility of losing my oatmeal when it enters my mind. Combine that with the thought of having to see you naked and I think that throwing up once would be a blessing.

You disgust me.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I removed the last comment because of a grammar mistake. What it said was, "I am not sure if it was supposed to, but this made me LOL."
