Tuesday, September 20, 2011


You are an amazing woman. I have watched you for over a year now and I am, truly, in awe of you. I remember when we first became friends, how I thought you were strong then. You were a first time mom, going through a very long deployment, and you were totally calm about it. You confidently and gracefully made astoundingly unselfish choices for your sweet son. You had been dairy-free for almost a year for the sake of breastfeeding. Your son was cloth diapered, co-sleeping, and gently guided through life. You'd had a long journey toward becoming a mother and you were determined to embrace it fully. You were one of the best moms I had ever met.

Now, here we are. We will be friends forever but your whole life has changed. Everything came crashing down around you. Now you live far away from me and we don't get the chance to talk as often as I'd like. Here's the part that I am in awe of: You haven't faltered for even a moment. You haven't stumbled. You haven't whined. You rolled up your sleeves, dusted off your "bad ass mamajama" pants, and got your hands dirty. You have busted your butt to do the best things you can as a mom and as a person. You are bad ass.

I know that you have your moments. I know that you are lonely and hurting. I know that this has not been easy. I also know, because I have watched, that you are rocking it. You are doing a damn fine job, my friend. I wish that I were closer to you so that I could babysit or just come over and cook you dinner after a long day at school. I wish that I could sit and gab with you for hours on end and get your take on everything. I wish that you were here to watch Puff grow up and to hear the fact that "Goldie" has actually gotten a little closer to the real thing.

I wish that I could be of more help to you, because I know that the weight on shoulders must be crushing. I'm sorry that I can't. What I can do is write you this letter and let you know that I think you are doing fantastic. I know that you have an amazing life ahead of you. I know that the future is going to be bright for you and your son. I know this because you will refuse to accept anything but the brightest future imaginable. You will not quit until you and he are secure, happy, and well cared for. I know you and I know that you will make the world's best lemonade out of life's lemons.

You are an all-powerful, amazon warrior.

Love you. Kiss that baby for me.


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