Sunday, September 4, 2011



It has been almost a year since you moved. It seems like a decade. I remember being at the airport to come back to Oak Harbor after helping transport you and your family safely to sunny California and crying, not only because I would miss you terribly, but because I already had one close friend far away, and I knew the reality of living life in different parts of the country. I knew I wouldn't get calls from you everday, hearing you laugh about some ridiculous case on the Peoples Court, or having the opportunity to walk over to your house for some the most delicious food I have ever eaten. I knew when I left I wouldn't get to see you or talk to you as often as I would like, which is all the time. You had to go back to work in California, and your whole life dynamic changed, which I knew would make talking even harder sometimes because I still just take care of kids.
I MISS YOU. I miss your face and smile and laugh and funky eyeshadow. I miss your family and your salsa verde. I know we don't talk on the phone for hours, and it has been FAR too long since we have enjoyed a meal together- but I love you dearly, and know that no matter how many days or weeks go by between conversations, you are one of the most amazing women in my life and I am so blessed.
I cannot wait to be in the same state as you again.

I love you muchos gracias Mexicano chones jalapeno,

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