Friday, September 16, 2011

Dear Gus-

The first moment I laid eyes on you, I judged you. I loved you endlessly, but I just knew that you were going to be exactly like your daddy. I saw those blue eyes (which I knew were staying blue), that fair skin, and that David Beeman face and I was convinced that I was going to be raising a miniature Dave.

I made a grave mistake. I should not have judged you based on the way you looked. You are sitting behind me right now, and you still look exactly like your father. It's uncanny and, honestly, sometimes it's kind of creepy. However, you act nothing like him. As far as personalities go, you are exactly like me. You a stubborn, opinionated, hate being wrong, love having the last word, set in your ways, picky and particular, and brilliant.

I never, not even for a moment, anticipated that I would not be raising a laid-back, mellow, easy-going little boy. I imagined you letting things roll off of your back, snuggling, and taking life one step at a time. Instead, you are a pain in the butt. You take everything personally, you hate to snuggle with me, and you charge into everything without thinking about it. Your mouth and emotions rule you, just like me.

How could I have been so blind? Our birthdays are three days apart. We share a sign and we share DNA. You may look like your daddy, but you are all me. No wonder we butt heads so much.

I want you to know that in spite of my erroneous judgment and my frustration with you at times, I think you are fabulous. You have this twinkle in your big blue eyes that gets me every time. You have such an amazing, people-centered way of living that I am in awe of you. Other moms talk about how brilliant their little geniuses are (and I do think you are brilliant), but I talk about how amazingly well you remember people and how much you care about your friends. I love that you think you are really, truly Spiderman. I love that you challenge me and I think it's adorable when you stomp your feet and yell, "DON'T MAKE ME MAD!"

I am so proud of your masterful ability to do puzzles and your enthusiasm for Star Wars, that I can't even begin to describe it. I will willingly wear the skeeziest Wonder Woman costume on the planet, if it brings a smile to your face. I am still just as in awe of you as I am of your baby brother. I know sometimes you might not think I am, but it's true. You fascinate me and I am so honored to be able to go through this journey of life with you.

I love you, you bossy little cuss.


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