Friday, September 23, 2011


Clearly I have known you more than a day. I am not sure I could write a letter to the nicest person I knew for only one day, mostly because I don't think that person exists for me. What I do know, is that you are the nicest person I know since forever.
You smile at and compliment everyone. You tell strangers how beautiful they are and how much you love their shirt or hairstyle. You are always polite to cashiers and waitresses. You have the unique ability to make everyone around you feel at home. You listen and listen and listen and remind everyone of how special they are, no matter how crazy or nonsensical they may be. Everyone loves you Mom. Everyone who comes in contact with you is made to feel beautiful and unique. This is such a gift.
I wish I had this ability the way you do. I try, but I am not nearly as good at it. I want to think everyone is special, but I don't- which means I cannot convey it. That is the best part about you- you don't just blow smoke up peoples....noses. You mean everything you say about them and to them with your whole heart. You are a lifter upper of persons.
I wish you could take this ability and apply it to yourself. I wish you could say nice things to yourself the way you say them to other people. I wish you looked in the mirror everyday and said, "Brenda, you are fantastic!" and mean it. It makes me sad that you are so wonderful at making others feel loved, but haven't yet figured out how to love yourself.
You are beautiful mom. You are funny and kind and thoughtful and loving. You are unique and on purpose. You are hands down the nicest person I have ever known. If there was one thing I wish I had, it would be kindness and love for others the way you have it. It's so much like Jesus.

To the moon,

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