Sunday, September 18, 2011



You are a light. You are sunshine and rainbows, even in your most awnry moments. You are independent, smart and funny. You are your brothers sister. (Boogers dipped in ranch are STILL boogers.) You are fashion forward, on your own. (If I go into your room one more time and see every item of clothing you own on the floor you are getting a spanking.) You are a toddler TV show addict. You are a fantastic singer, with what seems to be the skills of your father in making up your own songs. You are a superior builder of blocks both colored and alphabet. You make the best LEGO spaceships. You are better than anyone I know at making Jesiah mad. You eat enough granola bars to feed an army and drink enough of anything to cause drought. You are terribly patient and still when receiving both manicures and pedicures. You also always pick the best nail colors. You refuse to let me do your hair- which I like to attribute to your being so fashion forward. Who needs a ratting comb? Not you. You let me pick out your library books. (I am sure you know how important it is to me that we get the ones with the best illustrations.) You play so awesomely at the gym by yourself, allowing me to get in a full workout with only a few potty breaks. You call Woody from Toy Story "Toy Story" and play with him as if he is here with you. You always remind me to pray for you at bedtime. You are stubborn, difficult and strong willed. You are fantastic Presley Francis Carson Decker. You are everything I could have dreamed of having in a little girl, strawberry curls and all.

I love you forever,

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